

Helping you take your Enrollment team to the next level

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Systems, Software & Services

For Success

EnrollAssistant is providing universities with the tools they need to to increase the efficiency, effectiveness and overall success of their enrollment process.

We provide the services you need to accelerate your outreach and we provide it in our easy to use software and support with our award winning teams. Let us help assist your enrollment strategy with EnrollAssistant,

A Comprehensive Solution

Our comprehensive SaaS solution includes everything necessary to help your enrollment team scale to new heights. Our EnrollAssistant services can be purchased as a complete solution or individually to address the specific things your university needs to succeed.

How EnrollAssistant Will Help You


Grow Your Business

New students are the life blood of any university. We give you the tools you need to engage your prospects and maximize your success.


Save Time

Focus on your growth and let our EnrollAssistant focus on warming up your prospective student inquiries and moving them through your funnel.


Build Relationships

Use EnrollAssistant to stay in touch and with new and existing prospects. With automation, triggers, calendars and pipelines you can be sure you are there when your students need you.


Track Everything

Keep track of conversations and actions whether they happen via text, email, phone calls or on your social media platforms and website.


Integrate Your CRM

We can integrate EnrollAssistant with your CRM so your team can effectively manage prospect that are ready to enroll in your programs..


Analytics Dashboard

Track your ROI and leads through our advanced Dashboard. Track stats such as appointment rates, response rates and campaign effectiveness.

Sign up now

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Membership Options

No Longterm Commitments Required


No Commitment

30-day money-back guarantee!

500 /mo.

per license


No Commitment

30-day money-back guarantee!

5,000 /yr.

per license


Success Guaranteed

Sign up for our ScalExcel services and if you are not happy with our services you don't have to pay.

Concierge Support

Our team of experts have extensive experience creating successful marketing, advertsing and sales campaigns for businesses of all sizes. We will work with you to help you Scale & Excel your business.

No Long Term Commitments

Our job is to ensure we are always providing you the value you need. You can pay as you go and change plans at anytime to ensure you are getting exactly what you need to succeed.

Exclusive Services

We are committed to working exclusively with our clients in their specific industries in the market they serve. Our goal is to help you be the best business in your market and in your area.